Apply for 2023 Media Credentials
We are now accepting media requests. Click the button below to apply.
All requests must be submitted by Sept. 1.
Statement of Acknowledgement
By applying for media credentials for the Bogalusa Blues & Heritage Festival, you acknowledge that you wish to apply for a Media/Photographer's Pass at the Bogalusa Blues & Heritage Festival on Friday, September 23 - Saturday, September 24, 2022. If I am granted a pass, I agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. I will report to the festival Media/Photographic “Tent” upon arrival.
2. I will wear and display my media/photographic accreditation at all times.
3. I understand and accept that this media/photographer’s pass allows me to enter the area between protection barriers around any performance for the sole purpose of taking photographs and reporting.
4. I also agree to comply with the condition of entry to the festival as well adhere to the Bogalusa Blues & Heritage Festival rules.
5. I will not at any time enter the stage area or any restricted area without prior permission of Media Coordinator Marcelle Hanemann. I understand that a limited number of media/photographers are allowed back stage access. This will be reflected on my pass.
6. At all times I will be sensitive to the need of the public’s viewing the performance/display, and if instructed to move by a member of the festival’s Security or Staff, I will do so.
7. I have my own insurance and understand that the Bogalusa Blues & Heritage Festival is not liable to any loss or damage to my equipment while at the Festival.
8. A letter of assignment or further documentation may be requested by The Bogalusa Blues and Heritage before confirmation.