Vendor registration for 2025 now open
Be a part of something special while promoting your work or product! The Bogalusa Blues & Heritage Festival exposes you to thousands of visitors who have made the trip to listen to great music, find unique artwork, and indulge in delicious food.
General Vendor Rules
The Bogalusa Blues and Heritage Festival (BBHF) will be held on the grounds of Cassidy Park in Bogalusa, Louisiana.
All vendors must be set up on Friday by 2 pm. All vendors are expected to participate on both days.
Vendor booth space will be 10’ x 10’. The exhibitor’s display MUST STAY within this space. No more than one (1) exhibitor to each space.
Generators and/or amplified music are not allowed.
Vendors are to provide their own tent and whatever is needed for their participation.
Each exhibitor will be fully responsible for setting up and taking down his or her display, including tent, racks, tables and chairs.
Breakdown of an exhibit before 10 pm is strictly prohibited.
No parking is allowed on the festival grounds except to load and unload.
The BB&HF will advertise and promote this festival through local, state and regional radio, television, billboards and print media. NOTE: Exhibitors are strongly encouraged to provide biographical data, interesting facts and photos of exhibitors’ work for use in such advertising and promotion.
To enter, use the email addresses below no later than August 31, 2025.
Booth fee will be refunded and photos returned if application is not accepted. An accepted application is an exhibitor’s commitment to show. No refunds will be made.
A minimum of three (3) photos of exhibitor’s work representative of all the work the exhibitor plans to exhibit and sell, including one (1) close up photo of such work. Each photo must be labeled with exhibitor’s name and a description of the work depicted.
No other mediums than those shown in submitted photos will be allowed.
Festival committee selects exhibitors deemed to best reflect creativity, quality and originality in their work and the decision of the committee will be final. BB&HF reserves the right to exclude any work deemed inappropriate for the show.
Applications and registration fee must be received by August 31, 2025. Festival committee will not be responsible for postal delays. Late applications will be considered with approval of the committee, subject to exhibitor’s payment of a $25 late fee and space availability. Exhibitor selection notifications will begin no later than August 31, 2025.
Any special requests must be submitted in writing with exhibitor’s application, including any booth space preference. Festival committee cannot guarantee any such request will be met.
NO REFUNDS in the event of rain or other inclement weather.
No beverages are to be sold.
Art Vendor Rules
Deadline is August 31, 2025. Submit your registration request to BBHFArtVendor@yahoo.com.
All exhibited work must be original or prints of originals and ENTIRELY the work of the individual artist. Commercially manufactured items or kits are not acceptable.
Electricity for ART vendors will be LIMITED.
Art vendor fee is $100, payable after approval as vendor.
Food Vendor Rules
Deadline is August 31, 2025. Submit your registration request to BBHFFoodVendor@yahoo.com.
There will be electricity and water available for food vendors.
All food vendors must limit their items to two (2) food choices.
Food vendor fee is $300, payable after approval as vendor.